A massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2008 by Kings Isle Entertainment. In the game, players take on the role of students of Raven wood School of Magical Arts in order to save the Spiral, the fictional galaxy in which the game is set, from various threats.
Karamelle Lemon-Heads
Zeke Quests Reward Is 1 Training Point And A Karamelle Badge!
Let's Got Hunt For Lemon Heads :P

Media and Games Invest signs agreement to acquire the award-winning US game developer KingsIsle adding about 60% Group EBITDA. To enable the transaction a EUR 25 million capital increase was committed by Oaktree Capital, holding about 9% of the MGI shares
You’ve all been wanting this for a long time and now we’re set to deliver! Clipped from February's KI Live, Mattnetic presents the first teaser of what we're looking to release to Wizard101 this Spring! All of the content of this sneak peek displayed in the video is in development and subject to change.